Hi! I'm Pfhrier. And the last few months I've been making netmaps for Marathon Infinity. Most of them are alright but in the next version I'm gonna fix things, add scenery and sounds along other stuff. I know you hate long ReadMe's so I'll try to make this short.
King Mars
It's a large room with blinking lights (he, he) and a large elevator. Off the elevator you can access the teleporters or the other elevator. Both the teleporters and the other elevator lead to a large complex of halls and stairs. In the large room there are four really light areas. These are not secret doors, just normal doors. They lead to a little hall. In the end you'll find that 'All Roads Lead To the Large Room...'
2-8 players
Jjaro textureset
Troopers, Fighters
2 secrets
x' equals w t'
This map could be classed as modified Bungie but it's defentely not the same as E EQUALS MC WHAT!. It's one huge room with 36 pillars (6x6). By teleporting, you can get to the top of some pillars. There is a switch that turns on the lights on one quarter of the level depending on where you are. On top of the pillars are also powerups and heavy weaponry...
4-8 players
Pfhor textureset
0 secrets
Big, Bad, Fat, Rat
BBFR is a map with a nice room in the middle. From that room are two halls that lead to staircases. At the end of each staircase are sniper rooms pointing to the main room. There are also two platforms (they do not move in any way) at each side of the main room. From there you can get to a teleporter.
2-6 players
Jjaro textureset
Fighters, Ticks
1 secret
The Mathematical Cat
In the middle is the 'Hill'. Actually the 'Hill' is .2 WU down instead of up...Who cares. In the same room (which is actually outdoors) as the 'Hill' are four lava pools and four doors. Each of the doors, lead to a large elevator controlled by a switch below it, in the 'Tunnel' as I call it. The elevator is to get out of the 'Tunnel'. If you dare to dive into the lava pools you might be rewarded with invisibility, for example =-)
2-4 players
Lava textureset
Fighters, Cyborgs
1 secret
This level along with TMC are my smallest levels, especially this one. From the 'Hill' are eight passageways leading to a box around them all. From the box you can get to four elevators that go up to another box around the whole pack. It even has windows! From the largest box you can jump up on the walls (?pillars) that surround the passages.
2-4 players
Sewage textureset
0 secrets
Mr. Penney's Arena
An large arena, with pink goo in the middle. From the arena you can access the long corridors connecting everything together. On the bottom of the excact middle are shotguns (in the goo). If you hate compilers, don't play with aliens. And one other thing, I recommend all the players team up when the J.........
3-8 players
Pfhor textureset
0 secrets
O <morph> Q
A large double octagon with a long corridor going from the top to the bottom of the octagon. Out of that corridor are two shorter ones splitting up into four small rooms. Before entering the long corridor, there is U-like hall overlapping over the longest corridor. At the left and right sides of the octagon is another U-like hall with an elevator in the middle going between floors.
3-6 players
Water textureset
1 secret
Iron Mask
Three floors. From the first to the second is a staircase, from the second to the third floor is an elevator. From the second floor you can jump to the first one and from the third you can jump to the first and second one. You will very often see someone just appear out of nowhere in front of your eyes as they jump from the upper floors. You will very probably not fully understand your motion sensor because of all the different elevations.
2-6 players
Sewage textureset
1 secret
The Pit
An box-like hall which leads to an outdoor box with a goo pit in the middle. There's not alot to say, it's kinda small. It's not 'The Pit' I posted at the Marathon HyperArchive NorthWest a few months ago, it's larger, it's faster and doesn't have that ridicioulos 'secret'. Dark in the outside, but get's brighter nearing the Pit itself.
2-4 players
Jjaro textureset
Fighters, Ticks
2 secrets
Vacuum Spider
An small arena originally designed to be in Vacuum but I couldn't find a way to make the SPNKR work in Vacuum with Anvil so the level is all under liquid instead. From two sides of the arena are U-halls with an oxygen rechargers and at two other sides are oxygen rechargers and nothing else. There are also ledges at other two sides of the arena. Pretty small but being an arena it can take up to 6 players.
2-6 players
Jjaro textureset
0 secrets
Carnage Palace Deeee-Luxe
This is my favorite network level from Marathon 1. Lots of dark corridors with bright little projections and secret doors. This is excactly the same one as supplied with M1 except for one new secret door. (Once you've played the original once, you know of all the obvious secret doors) Then it's of course retextured, has a ball and a hill. I've tried to make it have the same dark atmosphere and I think (it's your to judge) I did a pretty good job.
2-8 players
Jjaro textureset
Bobs, Enforcers, Compilers
5 secrets
All player numbers are just my estimates. They're all playable with 2 players, and all playable with 8 players. Just experiment! All levels wore tested on two LC 630's over an LocalTalk network. No crashes. There is one known bug, in King Mars, near the light doors in the large room between the first and second one is an invisible wall you can get stuck on. Feel free to E-mail me with ideas, comments, bug reports, likes, hates and stuffed films! (.sit) My address is: astat@rhi.hi.is